Simple Breath Coach Classes At Glolife for Better Sleep

Simple Breath Coach Classes At Glolife for Better Sleep

There are a lot of things we can do to get a good night’s sleep, including chilling in a bubble bath, listening to Sound bath/meditations, or having a nice cup of golden tea.

Even if you do some of those things, there may be nights where you still struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Breathing is one of the best things you can do?

But what does that mean?

According to the Medical Sleep Experts, certain exercises that involve deep, slow breathing are believed to have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

 Breathing exercises can be used to relax the nervous system, and that is backed by science.

With the right breathing exercises, you can get the body-and-mind relaxation you need to fall and stay asleep. But what are the breathing exercises?

Let’s take a look at some breathing techniques you can use to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed in the morning.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

If you’re looking for a breathing exercise that will help you get a good night’s sleep, “diaphragmatic breathing is among the most effective tools”. “It promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety, and is proven to improve sleep quality.”

Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, is an exercise where you “try and push the air in using the belly instead of the chest,”.



Here’s how to practice diaphragmatic breathing.

First step. Place your hand on your stomach while lying on your back.

Second step. Inhale through your nose and exhale into your belly. Think of it as a balloon: inflate your belly with air and feel it rise against your hand. The chest should stay still.

Third step. You can exhale through your nose or mouth. The stomach should fall as you exhale. If you think of your belly as a balloon again, the balloon should deflate on the exhalation.

Step four is the final step. Continue breathing pattern until you are ready to sleep.

Box breathing can help to calm the nervous system, promote relaxation, and make it easier to sleep. It requires you to count each breath, so it is an ideal option for people who struggle with an overstimulated mind. If your mind is focused on counting your breath, it can’t focus on other things.

With box breathing, you inhale on the count of four, hold your breath for another count of four, exhale on the count of four, trying to push all the air out, then pause and hold the breath for another count of four.

If you need a step-by-step breakdown, box breathing can be used.

First step. Count to four as you inhale through your nose.

Second step. Hold your breath for four more counts then you exhale.

Third step. Slowly inhale through your nose and count to four as you exhale.

Forth step. Hold your breath for four more counts when your exhalation ends.

Fifth step. Continue breathing pattern until you are ready for sleep.

If you start box breathing with a count of three, you can work up to a four count as you become more comfortable.

The practice of alternate nostril breathing is called pranayama practice.

Alternate nostril breathing involves alternating nostrils for each inhale and exhale. It Has Been Shown That Alternate Nostril Breathing Can Help You Fall And Stay Asleep.

The alternate nostril breathing technique can be practised correctly.

First step. Use your thumb to cover your right nostril.

Step two. Inhale deeply through the left nostril while your right nostril is covered.

Step Three. Lift your thumb from your right nostril and cover your left nostril with your right index finger as you hold your breath.

Step Forth. While the left nostril is covered, exhale through the right nostril.

Step Five. You can inhale through your right nostril.

Step Six. Lift your index finger from your left nostril and cover your right nostril with your thumb as you hold your breath.

Step Seven. Exhale through your left nostril while covering your right nostril.

Step Eight is the final step. You can repeat the cycle for up to five minutes.

Check out the classes/courses available at Glolife private Yoga & Breath work Studio, where Gemma can teach you the simple techniques you can use throughout your day, morning, noon and night.

The information is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You shouldn’t use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem. Before changing your diet, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine, make sure you check with your doctor.


Article by Gemma

Published 29 Aug 2022